Life-Changing Bible Verses Every Woman Should Know
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Rebecca Lutzer has used her gifts of hospitality, mercy, and teaching to minister to many women during her 40 years as a pastor’s wife. She is also an RN and enjoyed working as a surgical nurse for several years. She is the author of Awesome Bible Verses Every Kid Should Know and is coauthor with her husband of Life-Changing Bible Verses You Should Know and Jesus, Lover of a Woman’s Soul.
About the book:
It’s time to Build up your spiritual endurance.
Do you desire to experience the life-changing power of God’s Word? Do you long to hide God’s Word in your heart but don’t know where to start? Do you want to know what God has to say about the things that matter most?
Rebecca Lutzer has carefully selected Bible Verses that speak directly to the most important issues women face and explains the very practical ways those verses can encourage and strengthen you today. Experience God’s personal touch as He uses His Word to
- Encourage, heal, and nourish you
- Sustain and comfort you in difficult times
- Bring you wisdom and discernment
- Keep you from sin and protect you from evil
- Provide stability in your ever-changing world
As you immerse yourself in these passages, your desire to read, study, and memorize God’s Word will grow. And you’ll find a treasure trove of God’s truth to guide and transform you in your daily walk with Him.