Cultural Cataclysm & Advancing the Truth ft. Douglas Wilson and Anthony Esolen
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Featuring Pastor and Theologian Douglas Wilson and Professor Anthony Esolen
Doug Wilson is a Senior Fellow of Theology at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, and pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. In a must-see documentary titled Collision, he debates famous atheist, Christopher Hitchens. Mr. Wilson is a prolific author whose works include Rules for Reformers, Five Cities that Ruled the World, Excused Absence: Should Christian Kids Leave Public School?, and Future Men: Raising Boys to Fight Giants. He is one of the editors of the popular homeschooling Omnibus series. His many articles are published on the Desiring God website.
Anthony Esolen is a professor of English at Providence College in Rhode Island, a senior editor for Touchstone Magazine: A Journal of Mere Christianity and a contributor to First Things, Crisis, and Public Discourse. His books include Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child, Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization and a soon-to-be-released book: Ten Ways to Destroy the Humanity of Your Child. He is a regular contributor to LifeSiteNews.
Special Features
- Welcome by David E. Smith
- Keynote Address by Anthony Esolen and Douglas Wilson
Bonus Features:
- Q&A
- Award Ceremony